March 18, 1864

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April 7, 1864



 March 27, 1854

Orange County Camp Near Orange Court house



My Dear Wife,

I Seat my self to answer your kind and ever welcome letter. that I received the twenty first of the presant month.  and were verry glad to hear from you and the children.  and from Father & mother & all the neighbours & to hear that you all were well.  your letter found me well & enjoying myself the best I can. & that is but little enjoyingment to be seen hear in camp.  I sincearly hope when this reaches you it may find you & the children still enjoying good helth.  for helth is one of the greatest blesings that we can enjoy. ­ but there is a greater Blesing than that.  That is to be a christian.  my Dear I sincerely hope you will put your trust in the Lord.  and be ye saved upon the mild and easy termes of the gospel.  my Dear it may be that we may never meet on earth again. but if it should be the Lord will that we should not meet on earth.  I hope we may be permitted to meet in heaven where parting Shall be no more.  Stand then in his great might.  with all his strength endurd.  but take to arm you for the fight.  the panoply of God.  That having all things done.   and all your conflicts past.  you may overcome through christ alone. and stand entire at last. you must excuse me for not writing before this time.  but the reason why I have not writen before is that I have ben waiting for the boys to come back.  we have been looking for them for the last four or five days.  and they have not come yet and I am sorry to say that they are reported as deserters but if they come in soon I hope they wont punish them.  Thomas Musselman started home three days after the other the other boys left & he came in this morning & and also Mr. William H. West has come.  and brought bad news from Stafford.  They say the yankees are in Stafford again & had ben down to falmouth.  and had taken a sitter yous up abouve falmouth.  I am so distrest about it.  but I hope it is nothing but arade.  I am afried the boys are captured but I hope and trust it is not so.  if it is so that you get this letter you must send me all the news.  I wrote you a letter the 14 of the presant month & the 21 I sent one to Father & one to Nanny.  you must all write when ever you can get your letters over the river.  you spoke of the little presant that I sent you.  if the yankees comes in there again you must hide it if you dont they will take it away from you.  has mr. coal gon Back to his comand yet or not if he has net gon back yet and you see him tell him for me not to follow her for if she had left me she might go and joy go with her. I received a letter from Nanny the 18 of the presant month and it gave me pleasure to hear that they were a11 well. I believe your words are about to come true about the boys deserting.  I should liked verry mutch to have ben home with the boys to have enjoyed my self with them.  it is now time for the mail to leave camp.  you spoke of reinlisting but I am not going to do it before my time is out and I hope this cruel war will be over before that time.  no more at presant but remain your kind and affectionate husband untill death. So good by wife

Pleas write soon and often.                                 John W. Watson


