This chapter is taken
from Gilham's instructions for the rifle-musket (three-bander). Many reenactment
groups use
Hardee's Light Infantry
drill which was designed for the two banded rifle with a sword bayonet.
It is also very
important to follow
the directions exactly, since they are designed to protect the body in
case of an accidental
discharge while loading.
Loading is begun from the position of Shoulder-Arms.
A. Load in Ten Times
(After this preparatory command, the commands for the steps are then given.)
Drop the piece by extending
the left arm, while grasping it with the right hand just above the lower
band. At the
same time, move the
right foot forward, turning the heel into the hollow of the left foot.
Lower the piece further with
the right hand along
the left thigh, retaking it in the left hand just below the top band. Bring
the muzzle in front of
the body. Open the cartridge
box with the right hand.
Sieze a cartridge with the thumb and next two fingers, and place it between the teeth.
Tear the paper, exposing
the powder. Hold the open cartridge upright, with the thumb and forefingers,
in front of the
muzzle, the back of
the hand to the front.
Pour the powder into
the barrel by turning the hand over towards the body and raising the elbow
to the level of the
wrist. Kepp the hand
reversed at the muzzle, fingers loosely clenched.
Drop the right elbow
and grip the rammer with the right thumb and fore-finger, the other fingers
closed. Pull the
rammer about two thirds
of the way out, steadying it with pressure from the left thumb, and retake
it in the middle
with the right thumb
and fore-finger, palm to the front. Raise the rammer clear of its channel,
and spin it, top to the
front, closing the fingers,
bringing the butt of the rammer over the muzzle. The rammer of the rear
rank men should
just graze past the
right shoulder of the man in front of him. Insert the butt of the rammer
and force it down as low
as the hand.
Extend the right arm
to take the rammer at the small end with the thumb and fore-finger, and
with force, ram home
the charge twice. Take
hold of the rammer with the right thumb and fore-finger at the small end,
but do not raise the
7. Return-RAMMER
Withdraw the rammer briskly,
retaking it in the middle with the thumb and fore-finger, the palm to the
front. Extend
the right arm to clear
the rammer from the barrel, and soin it to the front, as before, to bring
the small end over the
channel. Insert the
rammer to about the middle, then return it the rest of the way with the
little finger of the right
hand. Leave the little
finger on top of the rammer and slide the left hand down the barrel to
arm's length.
8. Cast-ABOUT
With the left hand, bring
the piece up to the left shoulder and take hold of the stock just below
the trigger-guard,
with the right hand.
Make a half face to the right by turning on the left heel, bringing the
toes to the front, moving
the right foot behind
the left, the hollow of the right just behind the left heel. Carry the
musket to the right side, and
drop the muzzle forward
to eye level, while sliding the left hand back to the bottom band. The
butt is brought up
under the arm and held
against the right side above the belt, balancing the weight of the piece
on the left hand.
Pull the hammer back
to half-cock with the right thumb, and remove the old cap. Take a new cap
from the pouch and
seat it firmly on the
nipple. Gently lower the hammer back down on the cap, making sure the muzzle
is pointed in a
safe direction.
10. Shoulder-ARMS
Face to the front by
turning on the left heel, bringing the right foot up. Bring the piece to
the left shoulder with the
righ hand, dropping
the left hand under the butt. Drop the right hand to the side, adjusting
to the position of
B. The Firing Commands
The preparatory commands
for firing are given for different volleys that the commander may want.
These will be
learned in company drill.
The execution commands remain the same and are as follows.
(from Prime)
Place the right thumb on the hammer, with the fingers behind the trigger-guard.
(from Shoulder-Arms)
Turn the piece with the
left hand, lock to the front, and grasp it at the same time with the right
hand below the
trigger-guard. At the
same time, half face to the right on the left heel, toes to the front,
and placing the right foot at
a right angle behind
the left, the hollow of the right behind the left heel. Bring the piece
with the right hand to the
middle of the body,
placing the left hand above the lock, with the thumb extended along the
stock, the bottom band
at chin height, and
lock-plate out. Place the thumb on the hammer, and the fingers under the
trigger-guard, with the
elbow raised to the
height of the hand.
3. AIM
Raise the butt to the
shoulder, pulling the hammer back to full-cock indoing so. The body remains
half faced to the
right, the musket aimed
across the body, left elbow a little down, finger on the trigger. The rear
rank will step about
eight inches with the
right foot toward the man on his right, bringing his musket down between
the shoulders of the
front rank men. They
must also take care to keep the middle band at the shoulder of the front
rank to avoid injury
from muzzle and nipple
Pull the trigger quickly on the command, and remain in position.
Bring the piece down
quickly with both hands, carrying it to the left side, and turning the
barrle to the front. Face to
the front and move the
right heel into the hollow of the left foot. Lower the musket into the
position of Load as
described above, and
proceed with loading without further commands.
6. Shoulder-ARMS
(from Fire)
Bring the piece back
with both hands, lowering the hammer gently onto the nipple, face to the
front, carry the piece
against the left shoulder,
and place the left hand under the butt. drop the right hand to the side.
7. Recover-ARMS
(from Aim)
Lower the hammer gently with the thumb, throw the muzzle up to the position of Ready from the shoulder.
8. Shoulder-ARMS
(from Ready)
Face to the front, carrying
the piece to the left shoulder, lowering the left hand under the butt,
and drop the right
hand to the side.
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