Download Gilham's Manual

Gilham1_0.exe - (716k)  Version 1.0 of Gilham's Manual for use on home computers.  Once installed, the portions of Gilham's Manual complete at this point in time will be available for reference use on your computer whenever you internet connection or long download times necessary.  (Note, this has only been created for computers using Microsoft Windows.  It may work on other systems, but I personally would doubt it.)

Installation Instructions.

Click on the link above, and the program file Gilham1_0.exe should begin to download to your computer (make sure to note where this file is being saved to).  Once the download is complete, find the file and open it (double click its icon).  When the Self-Extractor window pops up, click on the Unzip button.  When it is finished, click the Ok button, then the Close button.  Next, open the My Computer icon on your Windows' Desktop; click to open the C drive (C:), then locate and open the folder labeled Gilham.  Once you have opened this folder, find the file called Gilham's Manual.html.  Select the file name with your mouse, and drag it to the Windows' Desktop.  Now all you have to do is double click on it whenever you want, and Gilham's Manual should open up for you on your internet browser of choice.

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